
Gallery Batch: LinguisticsBook (160)


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POSITIVE sentences

26 His annoying faucet was dripping constantly for months. STABLE
25 The annoying faucet was dripping constantly for months. DEV
24 That faucet was dripping constantly for months. DEV
23 It was dripping constantly for months. DEV
22 The prisoner's basic material needs are met. DEV
21 It is true that you are smart. STABLE
20 Now it is true that the prisoner's basic material needs are met. DEV
19 Furthermore, most prisoners are unable to fortify themselves in their low level of material existence. DEV
18 They are unable to attach any significant meaning to their need. DEV
17 The inmate sees himself as having been made poor. DEV
16 Sally and her dog arrived at the party. STABLE
15 I read Syntactic Structures and Pale Fire. DEV
14 Sally and Andrew arrived at the party. DEV
13 Roger met a tall student with red hair. STABLE
12 Ivy swam in the pool on Friday at five. STABLE
11 I believe John to be honest. DEV
10 Susan attacked my belief that John is honest. STABLE
8 I believe that John is honest. STABLE
7 Heidi bopped herself on the head with a zucchini. STABLE
6 That annoying faucet was dripping constantly for months. DEV
5 The very small boy kissed the platypus. STABLE
4 The big man from New York has often said that he gave peanuts to elephants. STABLE
3 Naomi asked Erin if Dan ate her chicken yesterday over the phone. STABLE
2 Bill frequently got his buckets from the store for a dollar. STABLE
1 The student loved his syntax assignment. STABLE
0 Heidi bopped herself on the head with a zucchini. DEV

NEGATIVE sentences